what fruits can flat-coated retriever eat

What Fruits Can Flat-Coated Retriever Eat?

What fruits can flat-coated retriever eat? This question may not have crossed your mind before, but as pet owners, we want to ensure our pups receive a healthy and balanced diet. While it may seem like an unlikely addition to your dog’s diet, fruits can provide various vitamins and minerals that contribute to their overall well-being.

So, what fruits can flat-coated retrievers eat? Well, lucky for you, there are plenty of options! This guide will provide you with a comprehensive list of safe fruits for your retriever puppies to enjoy. So read below to find out more about this doggie-approved fruit list.


what fruits can flat-coated retriever eat

Apples are a common snack food for both humans and dogs. This fruit originated in Central Asia and is believed to be one of the first to be cultivated. Historical records show that apples were also grown in ancient Greece and Rome and were brought to America by European settlers. Today, apples are grown in numerous countries worldwide.

🍎Nutritional Benefits

Apples contain essential nutrients, such as Vitamins A and C, fiber, and potassium, that help maintain good health. Luckily, most of these vitamins and minerals are also essential for dogs. The apple fiber helps regulate digestion, maintain healthy bowel movements, and improve colon health. Potassium, on the other hand, aids in controlling body fluids and heart health. Vitamin C, with its antioxidant properties, helps fight against diseases, infections, and oxidative stress.

🍎Health Benefits

Apart from the essential nutrients, apples have other health benefits for dogs. For instance, apples can aid in cleaning dogs’ teeth and freshening their breath. Apples contain Malic acid, which helps break down plaque and tartar buildup on teeth. Apple skin contains Phytonutrients, such as flavonoids and polyphenols, that help fight diseases and inflammation. These nutrients are antioxidants that protect cells from damage and help boost the immune system.

🍎How to Incorporate Apples Into a Dog’s Diet

Apart from being a healthy snack, you can use apples to make homemade dog treats. In order to introduce apples into your dog’s diet:

  • Start by offering small pieces of apples.
  • Crush or chop the fruit to make it easier for your dog to chew and swallow.
  • Avoid giving the dog apple cores as they contain small amounts of cyanide, which can harm dogs. You can also include apples in your dog’s meals by mixing small pieces into their food or using apple sauce.


Blueberries originated in North America. Native Americans have used this fruit for centuries to treat illnesses, including urinary tract infections. Today, blueberries are grown in many countries worldwide, including the United States, Canada, and Chile.

⏺Nutritional Benefits of Blueberries

Blueberries are an excellent source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals beneficial to our dogs. The high fiber content can help regulate and promote healthy digestion and prevent constipation. Vitamins C and K in blueberries help boost the immune system, preventing common illnesses such as colds and infections. They are also rich in antioxidants like vitamin A and flavonoids that can protect against cancer and other diseases.

⏺Health Benefits of Blueberries

In addition to its nutritional benefits, blueberries offer many health benefits to our pets. The antioxidants in blueberries can protect the eyes and reduce the risk of cataracts and glaucoma. They can also help prevent urinary tract infections and heart diseases and reduce inflammation. Blueberries also help to strengthen the muscles and improve cognitive function, which is highly beneficial for active dogs like flat coated retriever.

⏺How to Incorporate Blueberries into Your Dog’s Diet

You can mix blueberries with your dog’s dry or wet food or give them as a healthy snack. Blueberries can also be used as a topping for homemade dog treats or added to homemade dog food recipes. Remember to feed your pet blueberries in moderation and consult your veterinarian if your dog has any pre-existing medical conditions.


Bananas are a great source of potassium, fiber, and vitamin C. They help regulate blood pressure, improve digestion, and prevent muscle cramps. Bananas originated in Southeast Asia, specifically in the jungles of Malaysia and Indonesia. They were used as a staple food by early indigenous populations and later spread to India, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. Today, bananas are widely available and are a favorite ingredient in smoothies, desserts, and snacks.

🍌Nutritional Benefits

One of the main nutritional benefits of bananas for our flat-coated retrievers is their high potassium content. Potassium is an essential mineral that helps regulate blood pressure, muscle and nerve function, and fluid balance in the body. Bananas are also high in dietary fiber, which helps regulate digestion and prevent constipation. They are also a good source of vitamin C, which is essential for tissue repair and collagen formation. Vitamin C can also act as an antioxidant, protecting the body against harmful free radicals.

🍌Health Benefits

Bananas have numerous health benefits for our flat-coated retrievers. They can benefit dogs with gastrointestinal issues, such as diarrhea or constipation, as they help regulate digestive processes. Bananas can also help provide energy and aid in muscle function, making them a great snack for active dogs. The high fiber content in bananas can also promote a feeling of fullness, which can help our furry friends maintain a healthy weight. Bananas are also great for reducing inflammation in the body thanks to their antioxidant properties.

🍌How to Incorporate It Into the Dog’s Diet

There are numerous ways to incorporate bananas into our flat-coated retriever’s diets. One of the most straightforward methods is to slice the banana into small pieces and give it to your dog as a healthy snack. Another option is to freeze the bananas and blend them into a smoothie with dog-friendly fruits like blueberries, strawberries, or apples. Add them to your dog’s meals as a delicious and nutritious topping. Remember, moderation is key when incorporating bananas or other new food into your dog’s diet.


Oranges are well known for their high vitamin C content, which helps boost immunity and improve skin health. They also contain fiber and folate, essential for digestion and heart health. Oranges were first cultivated in China and India and then spread to Europe through trade routes. You can use it to prevent scurvy, a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency, among sailors who went on long sea voyages. Oranges continue to be widely popular and are a favorite snack and juice ingredient in many households.

🍊Nutritional Benefits

One of the primary benefits of oranges is their high vitamin C content. This vitamin is a natural antioxidant and helps boost the immune system, fight off infections, and heal wounds. Oranges are also rich in fiber, which can aid digestion and promote bowel regularity. Additionally, they contain potassium, an essential electrolyte that regulates fluid balance, muscle function, and blood pressure. Moreover, oranges contain flavonoids, carotenoids, and other phytochemicals with anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and neuroprotective effects.

🍊Health Benefits

Feeding oranges to your flat-coated retriever can provide numerous health benefits. The high vitamin C content in oranges can improve their skin and coat health, boost their energy levels, and reduce the risk of certain illnesses. Oranges also contain folate, crucial for fetal development in pregnant dogs. The fiber in oranges can regulate their digestive system and prevent constipation. Moreover, the natural sugars in oranges can stimulate energy during physical activity or training.

🍊How to Incorporate It Into the Dog’s Diet

Before feeding oranges to your dog, it’s essential to remove the skin, seeds, and any white pith. The skin and seeds can be choking hazards, while the pith can cause digestive upset. You can cut the orange into small bite-sized pieces, freeze them for a refreshing summer snack, or mix them up with their regular food. Limiting the number of oranges, you feed your dog is recommended, as excessive citrus consumption can lead to stomach upset or diarrhea. Also, remember that oranges should be treated as a supplement, not a replacement for their regular diet.


what fruits can flat-coated retriever eat

Mango is a sweet, delicious fruit in various shapes, sizes, and colors. It originated in Southeast Asia but now grows in tropical climates worldwide. The fruit satisfies your sweet tooth and delivers vital health benefits. Mango contains almost no fat and is a good source of fiber. Moreover, it has many vitamins A, C, and K, folate, and several B vitamins. Mango is a low-calorie fruit that can become a healthy part of your dog’s diet when fed in moderation.

🥭Nutritional Benefits

Mango is a great source of vitamins and minerals vital to your pet’s overall health and well-being. The fruit contains antioxidants that prevent free radicals from harming your dog’s cells. Vitamin A in mangoes protects your dog’s eyesight and strengthens its immune system. Moreover, mangoes are an excellent Vitamin C source, vital in producing collagen, a protein that helps absorb calcium. A regular diet of mangoes also helps prevent several diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and digestive problems due to its high fiber content.

🥭Health Benefits

Mangoes are known for their numerous health benefits. Feeding your Flat-Coated Retriever with mangoes can improve their digestion. They are high in fiber, which helps in bowel movements and prevents constipation and stomach ailments. Moreover, mangoes are a great way to boost your dog’s energy. They contain sugars essential for your dog’s metabolism, thus giving him the extra energy to play and move around.

🥭How to Incorporate Mango into Your Dog’s Diet

You can incorporate mangoes into your dog’s diet easily. You can serve them as an occasional treat or mix them with your dog’s meal. However, it is critical to note that while mangoes are perfect for dogs, feeding them in moderation is essential. Overfeeding your dog with mangoes may cause several adverse effects, including diarrhea and gastrointestinal upset. Also, avoid feeding your dog with mango pits as they may be swallowed, posing a choking hazard.


Peaches are loaded with vitamins A and C, fiber, and antioxidants. They help regulate digestion, improve skin health, and prevent certain diseases. Peaches originated in China and were considered a symbol of longevity and good luck. They eventually made their way to Persia, where they were cultivated for their juicy, sweet flavor. From there, they were transported to Europe and the Americas, becoming popular dessert fruits and a favorite ingredient in savory dishes.

🍑Nutritional Benefits

Peaches are delicious and contain potent nutrients that can benefit your furry friend’s health. For dogs, peaches’ vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants help maintain healthy skin, improve the immune system, improve eyesight, and improve bone growth. Peaches also contain high levels of beta-carotene, which supports and improves eye health and lowers the risk of cataracts and other eye disorders.

🍑Health Benefits of Peaches

Peaches are rich in antioxidants, which can reduce inflammation and improve cardiovascular health in dogs. The fiber content in peaches can assist in digestive health and prevent constipation in some dogs. This fruit is also low in fat, so it can help maintain healthy body weight in dogs. More so, peaches have natural anti-inflammatory properties that can assist in reducing pain and inflammation in joints. This means it can be helpful for flat-coated retrievers that have arthritis or other joint problems.

🍑Incorporating Peaches into Your Dog’s Diet

There are various ways to add peaches to your pet’s dietary routine. You can slice a fresh peach and add it to their diet or use a food processor to blend it up and add it to their kibble. If your pet loves frozen treats, you can slice up some peaches, freeze them, and give them as a yummy summer treat. However, it’s essential to note that too much fruit is unsuitable for dogs. Too much fruit can cause diarrhea and other digestive issues. It’s vital to start feeding your flat-coated retriever peaches in moderation so they get accustomed to it.


what fruits can flat-coated retriever eat

Pineapples are a rich source of vitamin C, manganese, and bromelain, an enzyme that aids digestion. They help reduce inflammation, boost immunity, and prevent certain diseases. Pineapples originated in South America, specifically in the areas now known as Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina. Indigenous populations used them for medicinal purposes, and their sweetness made them a valuable trade commodity between European explorers and local tribes. Pineapples are now extensively grown in tropical regions worldwide and are widely consumed in fresh and canned forms.

🍍Nutritional Benefits

Pineapple is a nutritious fruit for dogs as well as humans. It contains essential nutrients that are important for maintaining good health. For instance, pineapple is rich in enzymes that aid digestion and can promote healthy dog digestion. It’s also packed with vitamins such as vitamin C, which can help boost the immune system and protect against infections. Pineapple is also a good source of fiber, which can aid in bowel movement.

🍍Health Benefits

In addition to its nutritional benefits, pineapples offer many health benefits to dogs. One of the primary benefits of pineapple is that it can cure chronic diseases in dogs. Pineapple is also known to be a natural anti-inflammatory, which can help reduce inflammation and swelling in dogs. It can also help reduce dogs’ risk of cancer and heart disease.

🍍How to Incorporate Pineapple into Your Dog’s Diet

One of the easiest ways to include pineapple in your dog’s diet is by adding it to their regular dog food. You can chop some pineapple and mix it in with their kibble or blend it and mix it in with their raw food diet. Always remember to start with small amounts of pineapple and gradually increase the amount over time. Too much pineapple at once can cause digestive upset and affect your pet’s bowel movement.

Another way to incorporate pineapple into your dog’s diet is by making homemade pineapple treats. You can slice pineapple into small pieces and dehydrate them to make a chewy treat. There are also many dog treat recipes that include pineapple as an ingredient.


Pears are sweet and juicy fruits that belong to the Rosaceae family. They are native to Europe and Asia and have been cultivated for their taste and health benefits since ancient times. Pears come in different shapes, sizes, and colors and are a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals beneficial for both humans and animals.

⏺Nutritional Benefits

Pears are rich in various nutrients, such as vitamins C, K, and E, and minerals like copper and potassium. One medium-sized pear contains about 6 grams of fiber, which is great for promoting good digestion and bowel movements. Plus, pears are low in calories and fat, making them an ideal treat for dogs trying to lose or maintain a healthy weight.

⏺Health Benefits

Apart from being nutritious, pears have several health benefits for dogs. The fiber content in pears helps regulate blood sugar levels, especially for diabetic dogs. The potassium in pears promotes healthy heart function, and the antioxidants, such as vitamin C and flavonoids, help boost the immune system and reduce inflammation.

⏺How to Incorporate Pears into Your Dog’s Diet

Pears are best served fresh and raw. You can feed your dog sliced or chopped pears as a standalone snack or mix them with fruits like apples, bananas, or blueberries. However, you need to make sure that you remove the seeds and core of the pear since they contain small amounts of cyanide, which can be toxic to dogs. Also, limit the number of pears you give your dog, as too much can cause gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea.


what fruits can flat-coated retriever eat

Strawberries have been cultivated for centuries in regions across the globe, including Europe, Asia, and the Americas. They’re in the rose family and are a member of the genus Fragaria. The first garden strawberries were grown in the 18th century in Brittany, France. Today, there are over 600 varieties of strawberries, each with its unique flavor and appearance.

🍓Nutritional Benefits

Strawberries are packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, all beneficial to your flat-coated retriever’s health. They’re particularly high in vitamin C, which supports the immune system and helps prevent infections. Strawberries also contain vitamin K, which is critical in blood clotting. In addition, they’re a rich source of potassium, which is essential for heart health and helps regulate blood pressure. Lastly, the fiber content in strawberries can help support healthy digestion in dogs.

🍓Health Benefits

Strawberries have numerous health benefits for your pup besides their nutritional value. They’re low in calories, making them an ideal treat for flat-coated retrievers watching their weight. Additionally, strawberries contain flavonoids and polyphenols, which have anti-inflammatory properties that can help prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Lastly, the high water content in strawberries can help keep your dog hydrated.

🍓How to Incorporate Strawberries into Your Dog’s Diet

While strawberries are a great addition to your dog’s diet, giving them in moderation is essential. Too many strawberries can cause upset stomachs, diarrhea, and other digestive issues. You can give them to your pup as a snack or treat. You can mix chopped-up strawberries with your dog’s regular food or use them to garnish their meals. However, removing the leaves and stems is essential as they can be difficult to digest and pose a choking hazard.


Watermelon is believed to have originated in Africa and then spread to other parts of the world. In fact, in ancient Egypt, watermelon was considered to be a prized fruit and even depicted in hieroglyphics. It’s a member of the cucumber family and consists of 92% water, making it an incredibly hydrating fruit.

🍉Nutritional Benefits

Watermelon is rich in many essential nutrients, making it an excellent addition to your dog’s diet. For starters, it’s packed with vitamins such as vitamin A, which supports eye health, skin and coat health, and vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system. Watermelon is also rich in potassium and magnesium, essential minerals for your pet’s overall health.

🍉Health Benefits

Besides being a hydrating and nourishing fruit, watermelon offers many health benefits to your flat-coated retriever. For starters, the high levels of antioxidants in watermelon can help reduce inflammation and the risk of chronic diseases. Watermelon also contains lycopene, which supports heart health and may even reduce cancer risk. Additionally, with watermelon being a low-calorie fruit, it can be a healthy treat option for dogs watching their weight.

🍉Incorporating Watermelon Into Your Dog’s Diet

Incorporating watermelon into your furry friend’s diet is simple. For starters, remove the rind and seeds, as they can be hard for your dog to digest. You can cut the watermelon into small cubes and use it as a treat or mix it into your pet’s kibble for a hydrating snack. You can even freeze small watermelon cubes and give them as a refreshing treat during the hot summer months.


what fruits can flat-coated retriever eat

Cantaloupe, also known as muskmelon or rockmelon, is a fruit that originated in Persia and has been cultivated for over 2000 years. It is typically round with a ribbed exterior and a fleshy interior ranging from orange-yellow to salmon. This fruit is a great source of hydration for your dog as it is composed of 90% water and is easy for them to digest.

⏺Nutritious Benefits

Cantaloupe is an excellent source of vitamins A and C, potassium, and beta-carotene. These nutrients help fight inflammation, boost immune function, improve eyesight, and promote healthy skin and coat. More so, cantaloupe has antioxidants that neutralize free radicals in your pet’s body, reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer.

⏺Health Benefits

Cantaloupe has proven to be beneficial in several ways. One exciting benefit is its anti-inflammatory properties, which make it ideal for older pets who may be experiencing joint pain or other inflammation issues. Further, the high level of antioxidants means that cantaloupe can decrease the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and other medical conditions, including cataracts and cancers.

⏺Incorporating Cantaloupe into Your Dog’s Diet

  • To incorporate cantaloupe into your pet’s diet:
  • Start by introducing it slowly in small amounts, as some dogs may be allergic to it.
  • Cut small cubes of cantaloupe and mix them with your pet’s daily meals as a treat.

Instead of offering your commercial pet dog treats that may contain high levels of sugar and unhealthy additives, serve cantaloupe fresh for your dog to relish.

Thus, you can use cantaloupe as a healthy and nutritious reward for your pet, and your furry friend will love you even more.


Raspberries belong to the Rosaceae family and are native to Europe and Northern Asia. They’re small, round, juicy, and come in a spectrum of colors, from white to black. But most importantly, they’re packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help to keep your dog healthy and active.

◼️Nutritional Benefits

In terms of nutrition, raspberries are one of the most nutrient-dense berries. They contain an array of vitamins such as B-complex, C, E, and K. They are also abundant in fiber and minerals such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Plus, they are low in calories, making them an excellent treat for dogs on a diet.

◼️Health Benefits

Raspberries are a rich source of antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation and promote healthy cell growth in your furry friend. Moreover, their high fiber content aids your dog’s digestive system, while the anti-inflammatory properties in raspberries support the immune system. The antioxidants also promote healthy aging.

◼️How to Incorporate into Your Dog’s Diet

If your dog’s diet consists of commercial dog food, you can use raspberries as a treat. Add fresh or dehydrated raspberries to their meals as an added snack. Alternatively, you could make dog-friendly treats with raspberries. However, moderate your dog’s raspberries to avoid upsetting their digestive system. Overall, it’s always best to consult a vet before changing your dog’s diet.


what fruits can flat-coated retriever eat

Cranberries have been around for centuries and originated in North America. They grew primarily in peat bogs, where the soil was acidic and moist. The Native Americans used this fruit for food and as a medicinal herb. Later, sailors used them on long sea voyages as a source of vitamin C. Today, cranberries are popular worldwide, and they have become a staple ingredient in different cuisines.

🔴Nutritional Benefits

Cranberries are rich in vitamins C, E, and K and contain antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and fight free radicals. They also contain fiber, which aids in digestion and helps regulate bowel movements. Including cranberries in your dog’s diet can help boost their immune system and promote urinary tract health. The acidity of cranberries has been shown to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in the urinary tract, which helps prevent infections.

🔴Health Benefits

Some potential health benefits of cranberries for Flat-Coated Retrievers include preventing dental diseases, improved digestion, and balancing cholesterol levels. Cranberries are high in calcium, which helps strengthen teeth and bones. The antioxidants in cranberries also help prevent gum disease. For dogs with digestive issues, cranberries can help soothe their stomachs and prevent diarrhea. Additionally, the fiber in cranberries can help regulate cholesterol levels.

🔴How to Incorporate It Into the Dog’s Diet

Adding cranberries to your dog’s diet can be done in multiple ways. One way is by incorporating them into their meals. You can chop up some cranberries and mix them with their regular food. Another way is to use dried cranberries as a treat. However, it is essential to monitor the amount of cranberries you feed your dog as they can cause stomach upset if given in excess.


Honeydew, also known as sweet melon, is a muskmelon that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. It has a smooth, cream-colored rind and a pale-green flesh that is typically juicy and sweet. It is believed to have originated in Persia, but it is widely cultivated in several countries worldwide, including the United States, Spain, Italy, and Greece.

🥯Nutritional Benefits

Honeydew is a low-calorie fruit that is rich in essential vitamins and minerals. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system and promotes healthy skin and coat. It also contains vitamin B6, which aids metabolism and helps maintain healthy brain function. Honeydew is also a great source of potassium, which plays a vital role in maintaining healthy heart and muscle function.

🥯Health Benefits

Besides its nutritional benefits, honeydew provides several health benefits for your furry friend. Its high water content makes it an excellent choice for keeping your dog hydrated. Additionally, the fiber present in honeydew can help regulate digestion and prevent constipation. Honeydew also contains antioxidants that can help prevent cellular damage and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

🥯Incorporating Honeydew into Your Dog’s Diet

Honeydew is a tasty and nutritious treat that can be easily incorporated into your flat-coated retriever’s diet. You can offer small pieces of honeydew as a snack or mix it with your dog’s regular food. However, it is essential to remember that honeydew should only be given in moderation, as excess consumption can lead to digestive problems or an upset stomach. Always remove the seeds and rind them before feeding your dog honeydew, as they can be challenging to digest.

These are two options for adding nutrition to your flat-coated retriever’s diet. By including these fruits in their meals, you can help ensure they get all the vitamins and minerals they need to stay healthy and happy.

FAQs About What Fruits Can Flat-Coated Retriever Eat

Are there any fruits flat coat retrievers can’t eat?

Like humans, dogs also have different preferences, and not all fruits can be considered safe. Some fruits pet owners should avoid feeding their dogs are grapes, raisins, and cherries. These fruits can cause kidney failure in dogs and should be kept away. Other fruits, like those with seeds and pits, should also be avoided, as they can cause choking hazards or intestinal blockages.

How much fruit should I feed my flat-coated retriever?

While fruits can be healthy for dogs, keeping a balance and ensuring that your dog’s daily caloric intake is met is essential. The recommended amount of fruit consumption varies based on the dog’s weight, breed, age, and other factors. Generally, feeding your dog a small amount of fruit as a treat is a good idea, but only after consulting with a veterinarian.

What is the three toxic food for flat coat retrievers?

Just like grapes and cherries are dangerous for dogs to eat, some other common household items can be toxic for flat-coat retrievers. Chocolates, caffeine, and onions are some of the most dangerous items that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and other side effects. Always ensure your furry friend cannot access human foods in the household, and if you suspect your dog consumed something toxic, contact the vet immediately.

What vegetables are best for flat coat retrievers?

Flat-coat retrievers generally have preferences for different vegetables, just like human beings. Some of the best vegetables that are low in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals are carrots, green beans, broccoli, and pumpkin. These vegetables are great for keeping your furry friend healthy and active and are an excellent addition to any dog’s diet.

Can flat coat retrievers eat bread?

Bread is not dangerous for dogs to eat, but it does not give them any significant nutritional value. Large amounts of bread consumption can lead to weight gain, obesity, and other health issues. It is always a good idea to keep bread as an occasional treat and feed it in moderation.

Final Words

So, what fruits can flat-coated retrievers eat? Well, flat-coat retrievers can eat various fruits and vegetables as part of a balanced diet, but it is crucial to choose safe options. Check the lists above for safe fruits, vegetables, and other snacks that can help keep your furry friend healthy. Additionally, always remember to feed these foods in moderation and consult with a veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns. With the right diet, you can ensure that your flat-coat retriever gets all vitamins and minerals they need to remain healthy.

About Tom Thorpe

Tom Thorpe has overtime interacted with different species of dogs mostly through breeding and training; according to him, man’s best friend is yet to find solace in the company of man, as they are continuously mistreated. He, therefore, runs a rescue center that provides shelter to stray dogs, and has been advocating for the rights of animals; the Golden Retriever dogs are among his favorites, the reason he came up with the extensive excerpts to help educate the society on the right treatment and care of the respective breed. Tom spends most of his time running his dog shelter; he is a husband and proud father of two boys and loves to go fishing during his free time.

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